May 29, 2014

New Book: The Animator's Survival Kit - Revised Edition

I received yet another order from Amazon... The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams! It's a true classic among animator's and something that every serious artist should have. It teaches the methods of classical golden age styled animation. A legacy that for example the guys at Pixar have continued with 3D animation. The book has been recommended by so many authors that I finally decided to have this one for real.

It's a great way to spend time reading quality training material about the stuff I'm actually interested in. With a physical book it's all there structured and easily available for reference later on. This one is also quite a massive book: about 380 thick pages full of valuable information.

I've already read through the first 120 pages and now things are starting to get real interesting. Everything from the standard three frame walk cycles to the most complicated overlapping action is covered in the book. Animation is definitely a topic where no one book is going to teach everything about it. Like Mr. Williams says in the book it's hard work and involves lots of practice.

There's quite many books about art and 3D graphics that I have gotten over the last few years that have improved the quality of my work greatly. This one is without a doubt going to be one of them. I'll see if I have the time to give a rundown of all the interesting ones so far. And yeah, more stuff about my actual personal projects and studies are going to be uploaded sooner or later. I'm currently working on some very interesting projects and can't wait to share the results!

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